Saturday, January 2, 2016

Running Streak - Days 60 and 61

OK, I have really let my blogging discipline slide over the holidays.  Today is January 1, 2016 and with the 6km I put in this afternoon, I successfully completed the goal I established back on November 1, 2015.  It feels great, but it doesn't feel "over."  Here is a break down of my runs over the past five days.

Day 61

Happy New Year!  This is the day for which I called my shot way back on November 2, 2015.  Up to that date, I had been glued to the couch or the office chair for many months, not having run even once in the previous three months.  I was expecting today's run to be a bit anticlimactic, but I felt really proud of myself and got to thinking about how my mindset has changed on many things running-related.  I am also starting to fit into clothes that used to fit last year and have been hanging in the closet until the last week or so.  There will be a lessons learned/progress report in the next few days.

I took a photo below from the same spot on November 4.  Literally, the landscape has changed.  It is a lot uglier weather-wise now than it was then, but can't believe what an easy ride I had up until Boxing Day.  By the time I got out the door, it was 0C (-5C with wind chill) with 30+km/h winds from the west under cloudy skies.

I took inventory of the foul weather gear that I have been accumulating over the years and I have no excuses for getting out there - now or in the next few years.  I ran the Sarsfield Loop today and each side of the square had something different.  The first side was really wet with a lot of water accumulating in the cracks in the pavement.  The second side had ankle deep snow drifts.  For the third I was heading into a stiff headwind and was banished to running on a muddy shoulder by a lot of traffic.  The final stretch was decent; the road shed the water and the side wind didn't push me around.  Apart from wet feet, my clothing choice was good: light nylon jacket and pants to block the wind; thermal base layer shirt and short sleeve tech shirt on top and shorts on the bottom.  I should put some duct tape over the holes in the mid-sole, under the insole.

Running-wise, I felt tired and sluggish - probably a result of all of the sitting while driving and relaxing over the holidays.  It didn't really feel like the juices were flowing until around 25 minutes into the run.  All-in-all it was great to get out.  There is nothing like running to stir the waters, especially when the conditions are less than ideal.

Today is also Day 1 of the Run Ottawa Run Streak.  Search #RORunStreak on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to see some enthusiastic Ottawa runners making the most of what could be a cold January.

Day 60

I fully intended to get out at the beginning of the day to knock the run off early, but I lounged around and my day was devoured by locusts.  New Year's Eve was quiet and relaxed, permitting me to hit the treadmill around 10:00PM.  I chose the hilly (up to 10% grade) and fast (up to 4:00/km) 20 minute pre-set. It was a good workout, but it felt like it was over too soon.  I should have selected a 30 minute workout.  Another upside was that I was able to finish The Bourne Legacy on Netflix before Netflix removed it from its line-up at midnight.

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