Since I know that I can run comfortably with the Spyridons (see the note below), I thought I would introduce the FiveFingers SeeYa's into the rotation.
VFF SeeYa's ready for take off |
Observations On The Run
I headed out to run on the packed gravel paths near my house. They are softer than asphalt or concrete, yet firm enough for a good push off. They are also not perfectly smooth. I wanted to see how much ground I felt through the shoe. I found my answer very quickly: much more than the Spyridons.
Hot sun and not much shade |
Post-Run Observations
When I took the shoes off at home, I noticed a couple of abrasions on the top of my left big toe and on the main part of my foot close to the big toe. Had I run any longer, they would have evolved into full-blown blisters. I will need to keep an eye on this. My calves, soleus, Achilles tendons and shins felt fine -no complaints there. All in all, the SeeYa's felt great and I'm looking forward to running in them again.
Run #2 - the Next Day
Since I did fine in the SeeYa's yesterday, I thought I would give them a tray today. The weather conditions were almost the same: hot, humid, bright sunshine. Because I didn't want the abraded spots to blister, I applied Body Glide to the top of my right foot and toes. I hear that this works, and I hoped that the experiment would succeed today.
Merely a flesh wound |
Yesterday's hot spots became today's blisters, which opened up and I bled through the shoes. I will treat the blisters and give the SeeYa's another shot. Until then, I will switch back to the Spyridons until the blisters heal.
This is how the blister issue with the Spyridons ended up being resolved:
- I cinched in the strap tighter on the left shoe so that the spot where the d-ring is sewed to the upper does not move around as much. Blisters are caused by friction (from rubbing) and the best way to eliminate friction is to stop things from moving around.
- The blistered area on my left instep has morphed into a small callous a little bigger than a thumb tack head.